A Clockwork Orange Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. If you had to sum it up in ten words or less, what would you say the film's message is?
  2. How does Alex's narration affect your perception of his character? Is he a reliable narrator?
  3. What film techniques does Kubrick use to give this film its iconic look?
  4. Was A Clockwork Orange more relevant in the time it was made, or is it more relevant today?
  5. Can you see our society progressing (or regressing) into a society like the one depicted in the film? In what ways is our society already similar?
  6. Kubrick requested the film be pulled in the United Kingdom, and it wasn't officially shown there for decades. Why did he make this decision? Was it the right decision?
  7. What changes does the film make from the book? Why do you think these changes were made, and do they improve the movie?