Love Quotes in A Dog's Purpose

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In the Yard I adjusted quickly to life in the pack, I learned to love Senora and Carlos and Bobby. (4.2)

It seems like the dog loves his human masters more than he loves his own doggie family. Why is the dog more attached to the humans than to his siblings and his mother? Could it be that while the humans provide safety and security, nothing is guaranteed in the dog family?

Quote #2

The man didn't love us at all. (5.32)

Did Senora really love her dogs? She kept so many of them that they ended up being taken away; it seems the conditions were maybe not the best. So was this love really about the dogs, or was it more about Senora herself?

Quote #3

[Dad] regarded me with mild affection—nothing like the berserk adoration flooding out of Ethan, though I could feel that was how much Dad and Mom loved the boy. (6.61)

Love appears to be a mostly human phenomenon that rubs off on the dog simply by virtue of the fact that the dog spends so much time around humans. Is this a convincing characterization of animal emotion? Or do you think animals might have their own unique emotions?