Love Quotes in A Dog's Purpose

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The boy loved me; we were the center of each other's worlds. (6.71)

Does Bailey think "love" and "being the center of each other's worlds" are the same thing? If so, that could account for his disappointment years later when Ethan leaves him to go to college. Does he think Ethan loves him less at that moment?

Quote #5

He crept over to the doghouse and arranged the blanket on the thin pad inside. I climbed in next to him—we both had two feet sticking out the door. I put my head on his chest, sighing, while he stroked my ears. "Good dog, Bailey," he murmured. (7.39-7.40)

Ethan shows his affection for Bailey by sleeping with him in the doghouse. As if his love weren't already apparent, Ethan says, "Good dog"—which to a dog's ears is basically the same thing as hearing "I love you." It's the cherry on top of this little loving sundae.

Quote #6

"Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, I'm going to miss you, doodle dog," Ethan whispered in my ear. His breath was warm and delightful. I closed my eyes at the pleasure of it, the sheer pleasure of love from the boy, love by the boy. (17.74)

The last thing Bailey experiences before he dies is the love of his boy. It's a big deal for him, because he has never felt this sort of unique love before. Although he may have loved Senora and the others in his first life, they cared about all their dogs equally. With Ethan, Bailey is special.