A Hologram for the King True or False

1. "All he had to do was keep his finger on the leftward arrow. It was too easy. It was not good. It kept him in a dangerous stasis of nostalgia and regret and horror" (XV.30.104). What is Alan doing here? -> Tinder-ing
2. "Because he had no stories of valor, he had almost done this. Because the efforts he'd made toward creating something like a legacy had failed, he had almost done this" (XXVIII.152.279). What has Alan almost done? -> Accidentally shot a shepherd boy
3. "Grandeur, grandeur—that was the word he liked. Grandeur and awe and holiness and communion, communion with the outside world" (XXIII.15.195). Who is obsessed with this idea of "grandeur"? -> Yousef
4. "They had no interest in manufacturing or the type of person-to-person sales he'd spent his life perfecting. None of them had been even vaguely involved in such things. None of them started, as he had, selling actual objects to actual people" (XVII.30.130). Who is Eggers describing here? -> Brad, Cayley, and Rachel
5. "People shouldn't live here" (XXVII.74.263). Why does Alan think this about the area around Yousef's ancestral village? -> The government is too oppressive.
