Grant Wiggins Timeline and Summary


Grant Wiggins Timeline and Summary

  • Grant gets roped into visiting Jefferson at jail because he's Jefferson's former teacher.
  • He is angry about the whole deal, but he visits Jefferson along with Miss Emma.
  • Tricked into visiting Jefferson alone, Grant witnesses a sad scene: Jefferson acting like a hog in his cell.
  • Grant introduces his girlfriend, Vivian, to his aunt, to a less than warm reception. (Although it could be worse.)
  • The schoolchildren present their Christmas program, even though their teacher is not really a devout kind of a guy.
  • After Jefferson's execution date is set, Grant has his first good visit with the kid. He promises to buy him a radio.
  • Grant goes out and borrows the money to buy the radio and takes it back to Grant.
  • He tries to talk Jefferson into being a hero and proving wrong the idea of white people's superiority over black people.
  • After a good visit, when he brings Jefferson a notebook to write in, Grant is thrilled but ends up in a barroom brawl because of some people talking smack about Jefferson in the Rainbow Club.
  • Grant refuses to attend the execution, but he waits outside on the day of Jefferson's death and sees a butterfly that, for him, tells him that it is over.