Hypocrisy Quotes in A Man for All Seasons

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Paragraph)

Quote #1

CROMWELL: [...] You may not know that the King himself will guide her down the river [...] He will have assistance, of course, but he himself will be her pilot. (1.406)

This is the 16th-century equivalent of those gaudy presidential photo-ops that show wealthy politicians pretending to spend time with regular folks. In other words, it's about as phony as you can get. Still, you better prepare yourself—we've just started to scratch the surface of the hypocrisy present in A Man for All Seasons.

Quote #2

STEWARD: [...] What I can tell them's common knowledge! But now they've given money for it and everyone wants value for his money. (1.459)

For context, the steward has just leaked information to Chapuys and Cromwell regarding More's decision. The gist of it is that he hasn't made one. Regardless, this humble common man has just sparked a whirl of twisted political machinations that won't stop spinning.

Quote #3

HENRY: No ceremony, Thomas! No ceremony! (They rise) A passing fancy—I happened to be on the river. (Holds out a show, proudly) Look, mud. (1.504)

Yes, this is just a casual visit from one friend to another, not a pre-planned stop on a publicity tour by the most powerful man in England. (We're being sarcastic, of course.) Although Henry dons an approachable, folksy style when we first meet him, we can see right through the facade.