A Man for All Seasons Theme of Politics

A political system can get way complicated when it's ruled by an authoritarian leader with a big ol' crown on his head—that's what we've learned from A Man for All Seasons, at least. Following the life of Sir Thomas More, pretty much the most honest statesman ever, the play depicts the famous 16th-century political struggle that lead to the formation of the Church of England. To make a long story short, it's a big, honking mess. As More struggles to fulfill his duty to the British legal system while still enjoying his personal freedom, he'll learn just how nasty the political game can get.

Questions About Politics

  1. Is More a good politician? Why or why not?
  2. Can Bolt's commentary on 16th Century British politics be applied to other political systems? Explain.
  3. What are Common Man's thoughts on politics?
  4. Is More's romantic view of politics and the law naive? Why or why not?