A Man for All Seasons Characters

Meet the Cast

Sir Thomas More

Poor old Thomas More never had a chance. He rose the ranks of the British aristocracy not from copious butt-kissing or on the backs of nepotistic parents but through the sheer force of his intellig...

Common Man

Common Man might be the most difficult character to discuss in the entirety of A Man for All Seasons. That's because he exists on two different levels: as "Common Man," the guy who occasionally giv...

Thomas Cromwell

Thomas Cromwell is so nasty that we're pretty sure that he's Martin Shkreli's ancestor. He's so evil that he might be related to Emperor Palpatine. And we hate to get straight up slanderous, but we...

Duke of Norfolk

Unlike Thomas More, the Duke of Norfolk isn't a man of the mind—he's all brawn, all the way. In other words, More is the Brain; Norfolk is Pinky. No shade intended.To be honest, though, Norfolk i...

King Henry VIII

Although the plot of A Man for All Seasons revolves around King Henry VIII and his indecisive romantic habits, the dude only shows up for one scene. How rude. Luckily, that scene gives us some roya...

Margaret More

At times, Thomas More acts way more affectionate with his daughter Margaret than with his wife Alice. There's a good reason for this, however. While Alice has what More doesn't have—namely, boldn...

Alice More

While it's easy to miss out on Alice More's importance in A Man for All Seasons, this lioness of a woman is a big part of what makes Thomas More Thomas More, if you catch our drift. He may have the...

Richard Rich

Richard Rich is the secret linchpin of A Man for All Seasons. Cromwell might be the one leading the charge to take Thomas More down, but Rich is the one who hammers the final nail in our hero's cof...

William Roper

It's not unusual for dads to dislike the dudes who date their daughters, but More's relationship with his daughter's bae William Roper is a whole different beast. Although he eventually gains respe...


Chapuys is such a little weasel. Although he pretends to be sticking up for More due to their mutual devotion to Catholicism, he's actually as politically manipulative as "Tricky" Thomas Cromwell.L...