A Small Place Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

You took things that were not yours […] You murdered people. You imprisoned people. You robbed people. You opened your own banks and you put our money in them. (2.6)

With this in mind, is it really so surprising that the Antiguan government is corrupt? Antigua is a country founded on the abuse of power, and that's one tradition that'll take some time to fade away.

Quote #5

You will forget your part in the whole setup, that bureaucracy is one of your inventions, that Gross National Product is one of your inventions, and all the laws that you know mysteriously favour you. (2.6)

Kincaid sees the globalized economy as a way for the powerful to abuse the powerless. It's hard to disagree, especially when she has examples like the slave traders-turned-bankers Barclay brothers.

Quote #6

What sort of place has Antigua become that the people from the Mill Reef Club are allowed a say in anything? (3.1)

In Antigua, money can buy power. It doesn't matter if you don't live in Antigua, and it doesn't matter if you don't like the Antiguan people. The only thing that matters are dollar signs.