A Small Place Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The government then declares that only that company can be licensed to import the commodity that the business sells; great effort goes into concealing who the owners of these businesses are. (3.6)

While there's plenty of systematic discrimination within Antigua, there's also plenty of run-of-the-mill racketeering and corruption. Instead of helping hard-working Antiguans rise up the social ladder, government officials choose to line their own pockets.

Quote #8

The ministers, the people who govern the island of Antigua, who are also citizens of Antigua, are legal residents of the United States, a place they visit frequently. (3.7)

Do you think America would be cool with a president who lived in Canada? Would Brazil be cool if a congressperson was also a citizen of, say, China? Then why is it okay here?

Quote #9

In Antigua, people say that the man who has headed the government for twenty-five years perhaps by now thinks that the government of Antigua is his own business. (3.8)

Listen: There's no way you can turn a government into a family affair and not have things go awry. Things might be okay for a generation or two, but it's only a matter of time until you end up picking a bad apple.