A Step from Heaven Resources


An Na's Own Website

This site is basically your one-stop site for anything on An Na. A perk: the design is really easy on the eyes…

All About Korean American History

Just can't get any info on Korean Americans in your history classes? Just for you, here's a website teachers go to that's completely devoted to Korean American history...

Korean American History, Multimedia-Style

A super-cool multimedia site with tons of videos and slideshows.

The National Association for Korean Americans

Because no one does Korean American history better than, well, Korean Americans.

Just in Case...

This book is pretty heavy on domestic abuse, so here's a site that addresses the specific issue of abuse in Korean American families.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline

Because absolutely no one deserves to suffer the kind of violence Young Ju and her family experience in this book.

Articles and Interviews

"A Triumph"

There's no better sign of success than a glowing review from The New York Times Book Review.

Interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith

A super in-depth interview with An Na—you'll find out all sorts of personal things about the author.

Interview about The Fold

Interested in more books by An Na? Here's an interview all about her novel The Fold, also about Korean American issues, namely plastic surgery and the fascination with the double-eyelid.

Mitali's Fire Escape Interview

Sure this interview may be mostly about An Na's book The Fold, but it contains some nice nuggets of info, like what An Na's childhood was like and how she writes.

Stats on Korean American Domestic Abuse

Curious about the stats for domestic violence in Korean American families? Here you go, number-crunchers.

Korean American Churches and Domestic Violence

What's the connection you ask? Well, think of this article as a way of addressing the lack of connection between Korean American churches and the reality of domestic violence in Korean American families.


Teen Interviews An Na

Okay, so this isn't the most professional interview out there, but it's pretty cool that An Na sat down with a teenager and was willing to answer a bunch of probing questions.

The 60 Second Recap

Not sold on this book yet? Here's a quick review, just for you hard-sells out there.

A Video Summary

In case you feel like watching a summary, rather than reading a summary, here you go. There's also a whole "What is Korea like now?" part to the video. The catch? It doesn't really mention much about the domestic abuse in the family…


An Na's Name

Straight from the author's mouth—all you need to know about the author's name.

For Audiobook Listeners

You're thinking about getting the audiobook version, but you're just not sure whether or not you want to subject yourself to a cheesy reading of the book. Here's an excerpt of the audiobook reading, so you can decide whether or not it is cheesy.


Cover for A Step From Heaven

Just in case you haven't seen the book yet, here's what it looks like…

An Na—Who Are You?

If you're dying to know what the author looks like, here you go.