A White Heron Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When they reached the door of the lonely house [...] Sylvia whispered that this was a beautiful place to live in, and she never should wish to go home. (1.3)

It turns out that Sylvia actually loves isolation. Rather, she loves isolation from people—we doubt she could be separated from nature without a shedding a few tears.

Quote #5

Sylvia [...] stepped discreetly aside into the bushes, but she was too late. The enemy had discovered her. (1.5)

To Sylvia, any stranger is an "enemy." If that doesn't tell you a thing or two about her mindset, then we don't know what will.

Quote #6

Sylvia was more alarmed than before. Would not her grandmother consider her much to blame? But who could have foreseen an accident as this? (1.8)

Again, Sylvia's word choice tells us everything we need to know. She stumbles upon a stranger—who seems rather nice and polite—and calls it an "accident."