A White Heron Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"There ain't a foot o' ground she don't know her way over, and the wild creatur's counts her one o' themselves." (1.16)

Sylvia's grandmother is proud of Sylvia's attachment to nature—she knows how rare this type of connection is. She made a wise decision in choosing Sylvia to live with her, didn't she?

Quote #8

"Anything but crows, I tell her, I'm willin' to help support—though Dan he had a tamed on o' them that did seem to have reason same as folks." (1.16)

This is pretty bold when you think about it: Sylvia's grandmother doesn't even like crows, but is willing to say that they are as smart as people. Although we don't see Mrs. Tilley bonding with nature as much as Sylvia, this is an indication that she might've been a tree-hugger back in the day herself.

Quote #9

"So Sylvy knows all about birds, does she? [...] I am making a collection of birds myself. I have been at it ever since I was a boy." (1.18)

Of course, by "collect," the hunter means "shoot." Although the hunter has a strong bond with nature, it's something entirely different from Sylvia's. She wants to live with nature; he wants to dominate it.