A Worn Path Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Paragraph

Quote #4

A white man finally came along and found her—a hunter, a young man, with his dog on a chain. (34)

Of the four characters Phoenix meets, the hunter is the only one who is described by his race. Why do you think the story clearly identifies race in his description but not in the others'?

Quote #5

"I know you old colored people! Wouldn't miss going to town to see Santa Claus!" (45)

First, the hunter lumps all "old colored people" into one category as if they're all the same, a classic sign of stereotyping, and then he claims to "know" them. The hunter could not possibly look more ignorant. He understands absolutely nothing about Phoenix or her real purpose which is crystal clear as he dismisses her like he would a silly child.

Quote #6

"Git on away from here, dog! Look! Look at that dog!" She laughed as if in admiration. "He ain't scared of nobody. He a big black dog." She whispered, "Sic him!"

"Watch me get rid of that cur," said the man. "Sic him, Pete! Sic him!" (49-50)

Both Phoenix and the hunter are ordering dogs to attack. What might be motivating Phoenix to order the black dog to attack? What might be motivating the hunter to order his dog to attack?