Adam Bede Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"But no one who knows you will think that, Adam. That is not a reason strong enough against a course that is really more generous, more unselfish than the other. And it will be known—it shall be made known, that both you and the Poysers stayed at my entreaty. Adam, don't try to make things worse for me; I'm punished enough without that."

"No, sir, no," Adam said, looking at Arthur with mournful affection. "God forbid I should make things worse for you. I used to wish I could do it, in my passion—but that was when I thought you didn't feel enough. I'll stay, sir, I'll do the best I can. It's all I've got to think of now—to do my work well and make the world a bit better place for them as can enjoy it." (48.49-50)

Hayslope's own Dynamic Duo is back—sort of. Here, Arthur and Adam are learning to move beyond past faults and hope to restore a way of life that will be beneficial. Arthur wants to keep his former friends in Hayslope, and Adam is coming to view Arthur with "affection" once more.