Airborn Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Is the cloud cat plotline necessary to the book? Could it have been written without that aspect of the story?
  2. Matt spends a lot of time dreaming he can fly because it connects him to his father and how he died. But what if his dad had been killed in a more mundane way? If he'd been hit by a bus, would Matt dream of driving public transportation?
  3. The tale is set in a world where airplanes have never been invented. How does technology impact the story?
  4. Why does the author include very recognizable landmarks (like the Eiffel Tower), but change other things like the name of the Pacific Ocean to Pacificus? What do those changes imply?
  5. Why is it so important that Matt is still working on mourning his father? Couldn't the story just have been a pirate adventure tale?