Alas, Babylon Events Quotes

Chapter 1

[Florence] glanced up, apprehensively, through the kitchen window. [...] They had no right to put those Sputniks up there to spy on people. (1.6)

Chapter 2

[Alice] had small fear of death, and of man none at all, but the formlessness of what was to come overwhelmed her. (2.38)

Chapter 3

As they unloaded, Randy considered the Henrys. They were a special problem. They were black and they were poor but in many ways closer to him than any family in Fort Repose. (3.48)

Chapter 4

"You see, all their lives [...] they've lived under the shadow of war—atomic war. For them the abnormal has become normal." (4.147)

Chapter 5

The guests were milling around in the lobby like first-class passengers on a liner that has stuck an iceberg, and that they suspect may founder at any moment. (5.83)

Chapter 6

It seemed incongruous to call The Day a war [...] because the war really was all over in a single day. Furthermore, nobody in the Western Hemisphere ever saw the face of a human enemy. (6.2)

Chapter 7

Randy clicked on his transistor radio, and they all listened. Lib McGovern was sitting on the rug next to him, her shoulder touching his arm. The room was warm, and comfortable and somehow safe. (7...

Chapter 8

The sight of Peyton enriched Randy's mornings. She was brash and buoyant, bobbing like a brightly colored cork in the maelstrom, unsinkable and unafraid. (8.8)

Chapter 9

"The truth is this. Once both sides had maximum capability in hydrogen weapons and efficient means of delivering them there was no sane alternative to peace." (9.196)

Chapter 10

[Randy] wondered at this change in people and concluded that man was a naturally gregarious creature and they were all starved for companionship and the sight of new faces. (10.150)

Chapter 11

Elizabeth McGovern and Randolph Bragg were married at noon that Easter Sunday. (11.1)

Chapter 12

"You see, this was the first live baby, full term. I had two other pregnancies that ended prematurely [...] Anyway, now we know that there's going to be a human race, don't we?" (12.122)

Chapter 13

This was Randy's town and these were his people and he knew he would not leave them. (13.90)