Alex Cross's Trial Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Elizabeth," I said. "You already are a help to me. Just knowing that I have your support and trust means everything to me." (111.11)

When she offers to help, Elizabeth seems sincere…or at least that's how she seems to Ben. We can't help but wonder whether his judgment is clouded by the fact that he was once in love with her and still thinks about her romantically sometimes, though. It's only because Ben is overly trusting that Elizabeth gets away with her twisty plot.

Quote #8

Sweet Jesus in heaven! Jonah and I had never discussed this with her. We had certainly never planned for her to say such a thing. But say it she had: "…and showed me their search warrant." With those words Moody changed the whole atmosphere of the courtroom and the direction of this entire murder trial. (114.1)

As Moody takes the stand, Ben and Jonah are sure they've been double-crossed. They feel betrayed by Moody because she out-right lies on the stand. But as they keep listening to Moody's plan, they realize she's actually helping them out.

Quote #9

The words stabbed me in the heart. I felt my throat closing and thought I might be sick. (117.11)

This is how Ben describes the feeling he gets when he finds out Elizabeth betrayed him. Of course he's bummed over the fact that he won't get to use the photos in the trial, but he's more annoyed over the fact that his part-time lover stabbed him in the back.