Alex Cross's Trial Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Papaw keeps saying it takes a long time for things to change. Well, that's fine for him—he's almost run out of time. I don't want to be old and dying before anything ever starts to get better." (128.10)

Moody gets frustrated with her patient and kind grandpa, Abraham. She gets what he means about change taking a long time to work itself out, but she doesn't want to keep waiting around. She wants—and deserves—to be treated better now.

Quote #8

"Why, Ben?" he croaked. "Why'd you have to come back and ruin our nice little town?" (134.8)

Jacob questions Ben's motives for coming back to Eudora as a way of pointing out how he is afraid of change. From where he sits, everything was just fine before Ben came down South and ruined things with the trial.This only takes Jacob's side into account, though, and life certainly wasn't fine for everyone living in the Quarter.

Quote #9

Four white men lay trussed up in the dirt in front of Abraham's house. I remembered Abraham talking about the earth running red with blood—and I saw blood, tiny rivers of it, here on his home ground. (136.6)

When Ben sees blood on the ground, he remembers Abraham's words about change in the Civil War. Here he insinuates change has begun. We want to believe that's the case, but he doesn't stick around long enough to show us whether or not that's true. So what do you think? Is change happening?