All the Bright Places Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The walls are lined with school photos. Finch in kindergarten. Finch in middle school. He looks different every year, not just agewise but personwise. Class-clown Finch. Awkward Finch. Cocky Finch. Jock Finch. (11.16)

We like this image of the Wall of Many Finches. It's sad, though, that Finch never felt like he found himself.

Quote #5

I…catch sight of myself in the mirror…I lean in and look at myself, and it's not my face but someone else's. (21.78)

Sometimes Finch can't even recognize himself. Is that a symptom of his bipolar disorder?

Quote #6

"By the way? Ryan Cross is a kleptomaniac. He steals stuff for fun. And not even things he wants, but everything. His room looks like one of those rooms on Hoarders. Just in case you thought he was perfect." (32.60)

Well, well, well. The Bartlett High dreamboat is a secret criminal. We knew Ryan couldn't be that perfect.