American Born Chinese Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Did you know that Tze-Yo-Tzuh is just a "transliteration of 'I AM' in Chinese"? No? Gene Yang explains why he created the character of Tze-Yo-Tzuh in a comment on his blog. (Source.)

A boy liked the book so much that he even wrote a song for Jin. Check out the lyrics and video. (Source.)

What do you do when you're a famous, successful graphic novelist? You go get a Masters of Education degree at Cal State University, that's what. And then you post your Masters thesis online, as an awesome website. (Source.)

Just in case you feel like learning about factoring (as in algebra), Yang has a website that can teach you how to factor. Who says you can't be a math whiz while reading this book? (Source)

For a short while, Yang had a serial comic strip in the NYT called Prime Baby (now a book). Here it is in its original glory. (Source.)