American Born Chinese Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #1


We learn quite a bit about the Monkey King in these four panels. He's not actually a gentle ruler—though the narrator tells us he "ruled with a firm but gentle hand"—because he abuses his subjects if they don't "play nice." He also achieves immortality by mastering kung-fu moves that could seriously kill another being. In other words, the Monkey King's character is full of ironies and philosophical contradictions. Not exactly a stable character.

Quote #2


In case you can't tell by the harshly irregular and split panels, the Monkey King is an extreme personality who relies on his fists to resolve his anger. "Die!" is his response to the guard who bounces him out of the party, which seems a little extreme to us…

Quote #3


On Jin's first day at his new school, the teacher basically reaffirms Timmy's mean assertion that "'Chinese people eat dogs.'" Just an example of how teachers can support bullies through their ignorance of other cultures.