American Born Chinese Resources


Inside Gene Yang

If you want to know what the author of ABC is up to, check out his blog—it has everything from recent artwork to reviews he's written. Bonus: he actually responds to comments.

An Oldie but a Goodie

And here's an older, retired blog he wrote—with lots of cool stuff on ABC.

The Monkey King, Yang-style

Anything and everything you want to know about Sun Wukong, a.k.a. the Monkey King, can be found at this website which the author created.

Rice Rockets

All you've ever wanted to know about the rice rocket phenomenon.


A Comic Response

Here's Yang's unique take on the whole Tiger Mom debate.


All About ABC (in Less than Five Minutes)

This YouTube clip interviews the author and a few experts on comic books—don't miss the part where Yang explains the title of the book.

A is for Animation

If the cartoons in ABC aren't enough for you, you can watch the book come alive as an animated book trailer on YouTube.

Gene Yang Talk at Princeton

Yang isn't just an awesome cartoonist; he's an awesome (and hilarious) speaker too.

Gene Yang Talk at UC Berkeley

Here's a variation of his Princeton talk, but longer and with a reading from his book Prime Baby.

William Hung's American Idol Audition

Here's that infamous audition—be prepared to cringe.


The Author Reads

Even though this is actually a YouTube clip of the author at an ABC book reading, listen to the author read the book and engage the audience as his chorus.

NPR Interview

Gene Yang gets honest about his childhood on NPR's The Bryant Park Project.


ABC Cover, in Chinese

Curious how a book about being Chinese American looks, translated into Chinese? Here you go.

The Original Fu Manchu

Here's a picture of the actor Christopher Lee as Fu Manchu in The Mask of Fu Manchu.