And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

Now, what can I say

When I get home today? (11-12)

Marco's interested in the actual spinning of the story. He doesn't think that just telling what happens is at all interesting—it's what you make of the things that you see that makes for an interesting tale.

Quote #2

All the long way to school

And all the way back,

I've looked and I've looked

And I've kept careful track (13-16)

Very journalistic, Marco. Unfortunately, nothing that great happens so he has to look elsewhere for a good story.

Quote #3

Unless there's something I can fix up,

There'll be an awful traffic mix-up! (77-78)

Marco even uses his wild imagination to problem solve some hypothetical problems. Now that's a thorough story teller.