And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

He looks at me and sternly says,

"Your eyesight's much too keen." (7-8)

What's wrong with Marco's eyes? Isn't having keen eyesight supposed to be a good thing? It's almost as though Marco's dad doesn't want him to see all the crazy and awesome things—he just wants him to see what's boring and "real."

Quote #2

"Stop telling such outlandish tales.

Stop turning minnows into whales." (9-10)

Marco has the tendency to turn things into more than they are. That's super fun for us to read, but annoying to his dad who just wants the facts.

Quote #3

That can't be my story. That's only a start. (25)

The truth is never as fun as an outlandish lie. Marco wants to take ownership of the tale he's going to tell, and since it's going to be his story, he'll make it as fun and crazy as he wants it to be.