And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street Lines 21-60 Summary

What Shall I Add?

  • A horse and wagon isn't that interesting to talk about, though. It might be these days, but in Marco's day, it was kind of like seeing a Honda go by.
  • So Marco starts thinking about what he should add to the scene, and he decides to say that a zebra was pulling the wagon down the street.
  • A zebra isn't enough, though, so the wagoner should turn into a chariot racer, too.
  • But of course, that zebra's still not enough. Geez, someone's hard to please.
  • A reindeer is the next addition, and a sled to pull as well.
  • But the reindeer and sleigh is way too expected. Marco's hip kid self sneers at this and decides that there will be a Rajah on an elephant in front of the sleigh instead. It's just way more interesting, you know?