Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Louis: It's – look, race, yes, but ultimately race here is a political question, right? Racists just try to use race here as a tool in a political struggle. (3.2.12)

This statement from Louis really offends Belize. Louis isn't trying to say that there's no racism in America; he's trying to get across that it's part of a larger battle, namely of the powerful hoarding power. Do you think Louis has a point? Or is he just being insensitive about centuries of discrimination?

Quote #8

Louis: [...] there are no angels in America, no spiritual past, no racial past, there's only the political, and the decoys and the ploys to maneuver around the inescapable battle of politics, the shifting downwards and outwards of political power to the people...  (3.2.12)

It seems like, to Louis, all religious movements and all the strife over race are really about politics. A battle which he believes "the people" are slowly winning.

Quote #9

Roy: WASHINGTON! When Washington called me I was younger than you, you think I said "Aw f*** no I can't go I got two fingers up my asshole and a little moral nosebleed to boot! [...]"
Joe: There's so much that I want, to be... what you see in me, I want to be a participant in the world, in your world, Roy, I want to be capable of that, I've tried, really I have but... I can't do this. (3.5.11-14)

Joe refuses Roy's offer to go work in the Justice Department in part because he's just not cool with doing unethical things to protect Roy. Joe hasn't given up on his conservative political values, however. He still feels like the conservative revolution going on in Washington is the correct path for America.