Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Joe: The rhythm of history is conservative. (3.4.26)

Joe seems to think that history backs up his conservative ideologies. Do you think this is true? What historical events support this idea?

Quote #5

Louis: But the Republican party... [...] Newt Gingrich, Jesse Helms... I hate the Democrats too but the Republicans...
Joe: Responsible for everything bad and evil in the world.
Louis: Throw Reagan on the pile and you're not far off. (3.4.27-29)

The characters of Louis and Joe personify a political debate that's been going on for decades in the United States. Louis absolutely despises the political right, finding them selfish and uncaring. Joe thinks government ought to stay out of people's way so they can take care of themselves.

Quote #6

The characters of Louis and Joe personify a political debate that's been going on for decades in the United States. Louis absolutely despises the political right, finding them selfish and uncaring. Joe thinks government ought to stay out of people's way so they can take care of themselves.

Though their politics are totally different, Louis can't help but be attracted to Joe. Or maybe, as this line suggests, it's because they're so different.