Angels in America, Part Two: Perestroika Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Harper: I miss his penis.
Hannah: And I'm sure you'll understand if I don't feel comfortable discussing that. (3.1.12)

Okay, this is pretty funny. Not really the kind of conversation that Hannah wants to have with her daughter-in-law. More importantly, though, it shows Harper's sexual frustration.

Quote #8

Harper: When we have sex. Why do you have your eyes closed? [...] You imagine things. Imagine men.
Joe: Yes. (4.7.2-6)

Joe has come a long way since the beginning of Millennium Approaches. He now openly admits to his wife that he isn't attracted to her, or women in general. Of course, it's probably not the best thing to tell your wife when you're trying to get back together with her. This sad little scene is the last straw for Harper, who slaps Joe, takes his credit card, and heads to San Francisco.

Quote #9

Stage Directions: Hannah kneels. The angel kisses her on the forehead and then on the lips – a long, hot kiss.
Angel: The Body is the Garden of the Soul.
Stage Directions: Hannah has an enormous orgasm, as the angel flies away to the accompanying glissando of a baroque piccolo trumpet. (5.2.28-30)

Looks like Prior isn't the only one who gets touched by angel (sorry, we couldn't help ourselves). Here's a devout Mormon who's been pretty tightly wound for most of her life. Now an angel comes and provides her the ultimate release.