Annie John Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

One morning, though, he overslept, because his grandmother didn't wake him up. When he awoke, she was still lying next to him. When he tried to wake her, he couldn't. She had died lying next to him sometime during the night. Even though he was overcome with grief, he built her coffin and made sure she had a nice funeral. (2.11)

This story of her father's grandmother's death touches Annie to the core. She feels pity for her father and can't imagine the experience of losing her own mother-figure.

Quote #5

I told her that when I was younger I had been afraid of my mother's dying, but that since I had met Gwen this didn't matter so much. (3.22)

When Gwen enters the picture, Annie replaces her love for her mother with her love for Gwen. Gwen can fill the void left in Annie when her mother distanced herself from her.

Quote #6

We walked back to class slowly, as if going to a funeral. (3.27)

After Annie gets her period, she doesn't feel like her usual self. Gwen, her best friend, sympathizes with her and they both walk as if they are "going to a funeral" back to their classroom. Menstruation for Annie only represents a death of her childhood. Later, she'll learn to view it as the birth of her transition into adulthood.