Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was taller than me and had bouncy hair. The kind I'm hoping to grow. Her nose turned up so much I could look right into her nostrils. (2.5)

Right off the bat Margaret a little bit wants to be Nancy. She's got great hair, after all. But what do you think of this description of Nancy's nose? Does Margaret like it?

Quote #2

Nancy gave me the creeps the way she sat on her bed and watched me. I left my polo on until the last possible second. I wasn't about to let her see I wasn't growing yet. That was my business.

"Oh, you're still flat." Nancy laughed.

"Not exactly," I said, pretending to very cool. "I'm small boned, is all." (2.33-35)

These two have only just met, and Nancy's already sharing judgments about Margaret's appearance. Margaret feels self-conscious in response, and power has shifted firmly to Nancy in their dynamic now.

Quote #3

Well, I didn't think so, but I didn't say anything. My father gets Playboy and I've seen those girls in the middle. Nancy looked like she had a long way to go. Almost as far as me. (2.37)

Pro tip: It might seem like a long way to go, but sometimes it happens over night. Brace yourself, ladies.