Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

First of all I never even heard of Farbrook. And second of all, I'm not usually left out of important family decisions. (1.3)

What exactly is going on in Margaret's family that such a big decision was made and executed while Margaret was away at summer camp? Margaret suspects it's to get her away from Grandma Sylvia, but based on how much she sees her grandma throughout the book, we're not convinced. We think this just might be a classic case of adults making a decision without their child's input. What do you think?

Quote #2

My mother and father didn't plan for me to be an only child, but that's the way it worked out, which is fine with me because this way I don't have anybody around to fight. (1.8)

But having someone around to fight is the best part of siblinghood, Margaret…

Quote #3

Now that's my point about my mother. I mean, if she understands so much about me then why couldn't she understand that I had to wear loafers without socks? I told her, "Nancy says nobody in the sixth grade wears socks on the first day of school!" (4.8)

As understanding as moms (and dads) can be, there are some things they won't ever get.