The Artist Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Artist.

Quote #7

When George is checking out the tux in the shop window near the end of the movie, a police officer tries talking to him but George can't hear anything he's saying, or even read his lips.

Talk about a breakdown of communication. The fact that we (the viewers) also can't read the cop's lips makes George seem a little less crazy.

Quote #8

PEPPY: I won't work anymore. It's either him or me.

ZIMMER: [silence, confused…]

PEPPY: What I mean is, it's him and me! Or it's neither of us!

ZIMMER: [silence, staring…]

PEPPY: Hey, I'm blackmailing you! Get it?

Peppy may be talking nonsense, but she stands her ground and gets what she wants. Words are pretty powerful…if you know how to use 'em.