The Avengers Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Avengers.

Quote #7

THOR: I have unfinished business with Loki.

HAWKEYE: Yeah? Well, get in line.


Okay, so they'll all pretty cranky at this point. It's a reminder that the Avengers still haven't quite gotten their selfish notions of revenge out of their head. Luckily, Cap is there to once again set them straight.

Quote #8

BRUCE BANNER: So... this all seems horrible.

BLACK WIDOW: I've seen worse.


BLACK WIDOW: No, we could...use...a little worse.

The Hulk is a troublesome asset at best, but in this case, Dr. Banner is looking to bring a little justice to his green alter-ego: atoning for some of the damage the Hulk has done by sticking it to something much bigger and scarier.

Quote #9

LOKI: If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.

We gotta hand it to Loki: he may be a power-mad demigod who compares humanity to ants beneath a boot, but at least he has the good sense to admit defeat graciously. There's always something to be said for a good sport…