The Avengers Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Avengers.

Quote #7

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Stark? We got him.

IRON MAN: Banner...?

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Just like you said.

IRON MAN: Then tell him to suit up... I'm bringing the party to you.

The Hulk is the last piece of the puzzle—the one hero left who hasn't joined the "party." Tony clearly figured he was going to show, even if Captain America had his doubts. Time to whoop some alien behind.

Quote #8

IRON MAN: Call it Captain.

This is the final sign—in this movie at least—that all that macho chest-beating is done. Tony's the Number Two in this equation, and Cap needs to take the lead: signaling that the Avengers have finally truly assembled.

Quote #9

IRON MAN: What else you got?

HAWKEYE: Well, Thor's taking on a squadron down on Sixth.

IRON MAN: And he didn't invite me...

Once they've accepted that Cap calls the shots and the rest of them need to function together, it all clicks. Tony's banter here is just a nice way of saying it.