Bastard Out of Carolina Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Was it hatred or sorrow that made them look like that, their necks so stiff and their eyes so cold?
Did I look like that?

Would I look like that when I grew up? (9.116-118)

Imagine being constantly confronted with the signs of hard lives. Bone is worried that she might have an early start, and this quote might also suggest that she doesn't see a way out. What really seems to scare Bone, though, is that hatred and sorrow will actually become physically part of her by showing up in her appearance.

Quote #5

Mama was always saying people could see your soul in your face, could see your hatefulness and lack of charity. With all the hatefulness I was trying to hide, it was a wonder I wasn't uglier than a toad in mud season (9.120).

Well, we don't know what a toad in mud season looks like, but we also know that Bone isn't the bad, evil person she sometimes thinks she is. The fact that Bone doesn't look awful may suggest that she's not nearly as bad as she thinks.

Quote #6

Through the steam they both looked older—two worn, tired women repeating old stories to each other and trying not to worry too much about things they couldn't change anyway (12.110)

Okay, we know that people are getting older all the time, but why mention it? Maybe it's because aging happens to quickly and irrevocably for the Boatwrights. Does life ever get easier for the Boatwrights?