Bastard Out of Carolina Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Aunt Ruth had told her after Lyle Parson's funeral that she would look the same till she died. "Now you look like a Boatwright. Now you got the look," she'd said. In all the years since, that prophecy had held true. Age and exhaustion had worn lines under Mama's mouth and eyes, narrowed her chin, and deepened the indentations beside her nose, but you could still see the beautiful girl she had been. Now that face was made new. Bones seemed to have moved, flesh fallen away, and lines deepened into gullies, while shadows darkened to streaks of midnight (22.33)

… And we come full circle. This scene is important because it shows us that, even though Anney is leaving Bone, that decision to leave has hit her hard—harder than Lyle's death, and even harder than all of the years spent dealing with Glen's aggression toward Bone.