Batman Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Batman.

Quote #7

VICKI: A lot of people think you're as dangerous as Joker. […] You're not exactly normal. Are you?

BATMAN: It's not exactly a normal world, is it?

Vicki makes a good point here, calling out the parallel between Joker and Batman in terms of craziness. And Batman makes a good counterpoint. In an abnormal world, it takes a crazy hero to fight a crazy villain.

Quote #8

BRUCE: You know how people have different sides to their personality? Sometimes... a person will have to actually lead a different life.

Bruce attempts to tell Vicki that he is leading a double life. One is an eccentric billionaire. The other is an eccentric bat-suited crime fighter. Bruce acts like these are two different sides to their personality, but might there be some overlap between the two?

Quote #9

JOKER: But one thing I am not is a killer! I'm an artist.

Joker doesn't want to be seen as a common killer, so he attempts to elevate himself to the status of artist. We can also say that Joker doesn't want to be seen as common anything, so everything he does, he does big. You have to give the man credit for going all out on everything from his wardrobe, to his choice in women, to his crimes to murder an entire city. Go big or go home.