Batman Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Batman.

Quote #4

JOKER: You made me, remember? You dropped me into that vat of chemicals! That wasn't easy to get over! And don't think that I didn't try.

BATMAN: I know you did. You killed my parents. […] I made you, you made me first.

JOKER: Hey, bat-brain, I was a kid when I killed your parents. When I say I made you, you gotta say you made me. How childish can you get?

Do you think Batman thinks it is justified to kill Joker because he killed his parents? If Batman considers it justice to kill Joker, does that make him any better than Joker?

Quote #5

MAYOR BORG: Public safety in Gotham City is no longer a laughing matter.

The Mayor makes a pun after Batman rids Gotham of Joker and his henchmen. Maybe if he took his job a little more seriously, the crime wave wouldn't have risen in the first place.

Quote #6

GORDON: He gave us a signal.

The Bat Signal is Batman's way of promising to continue bringing criminals to justice in Gotham City. This movie is pretty much an origin story, not of Batman, but of the Bat Signal.