Beautiful Creatures 12.06 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Lost and Found

  • It's Saturday, so Ethan visits with his great-aunts, the Sisters. Don't forget, any chapter with them is a laugh riot worth reading.
  • This time, they're taking care of some baby squirrels they found. As Aunt Prue explains, "We have ta clean their little private parts with a Q-tip" (12.06.26).
  • They want to rehabilitate them to enter the wild. In order to do that, the squirrels need to learn essential skills, like digging up nuts. Ethan's task is to bury the nuts in the backyard.
  • When he comes back inside, the Sisters are boning up on Gatlin history.
  • They share that the Ravenwoods were the first family in Gatlin, settling down in 1781.
  • Gatlin has magical soil that can grow pretty much anything. Ah, that explains the lemon trees growing at Greenbrier.
  • Turns out the Ravenwoods pretty much put Gatlin on the map.
  • Ethan found some funny junk while burying the peanuts, which gets the Sisters talking. Aunt Prue says she wants to be buried with her Bible when she dies.
  • These burial plans give Ethan an idea: maybe Genevieve was buried with The Book of Moons.