Beautiful Creatures Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Beautiful Creatures? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who first told Ethan, "One day you're gonna pick a hole in the sky, and the universe is gonna fall right through"?

Macon Ravenwood
Amma Treadeau
Lena Duchannes
Al Roker
Q. Who hurls the insult, "Looking for a bonfire so you can burn that dress"?

Lena Duchannes
Emily Asher
Savannah Snow
Nina Garcia in a particularly tense judging panel on Project Runway
Q. Who says, "Teenagers—everything is so apocalyptic"?

Marian Ashcroft
Mrs. Lincoln
Macon Ravenwood
It's a quote from Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird
Q. Who tells Lena, "Lila would have liked you. You have the one thing Genevieve never had when she used the Book. The love a two families"?

Mitchell Wate, Ethan's dad
Marian Ashcroft
Amma Treadeau
James Bond
Q. Who says, "We have to contend with both the dead and the livin' and that's no easy task"?

Aunt Delphine
Amma Treadeau
Genevieve's maid, Ivy
The Ghost of Christmas Past