Society and Class Quotes in Beautiful Creatures

How we cite our quotes: (Date.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're angry because you're afraid. You all are. Deep down, you're all the same." (9.15.29)

Aw, snap! Lena's calling out Ethan and the rest of Gatlin. Many people in this town avoid Lena, shun her, or worse, simply because they're afraid of her differences.

Quote #8

Jackson High was just a smaller version of Gatlin. (10.09[1].3)

According to Ethan, Jackson High is a microcosm of Gatlin. A microcosm is like a little snow-globe version of a larger thing (but since we're in the South, no snow). Gatlin itself might be a microcosm of the whole world, don't you think?

Quote #9

The folks that shunned Macon Ravenwood and his family had them to thank for the fact they even had a town at all. (12.06.47)

Sorry, everyone, we're pretty sure these folks would still talk about Macon behind his back even if they did know that his family was responsible for putting Gatlin on the map.