Beauty and the Beast Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #7

GASTON: Everyone knows her father's a lunatic. He was in here tonight, raving about a beast in a castle. 

MONSIEUR D'ARQUE: Maurice is harmless. 

GASTON: The point is, Belle would do anything to keep him from being locked up.

This is a disturbing moment, and not just because the villain is busy "persecuting harmless crackpots." He clearly knows that Maurice isn't dangerous but willfully chooses to focus on appearances. If Maurice acts crazy, then he must be crazy, and the obvious evidence to the contrary doesn't matter a bit. As we have noted, Gaston's kind of a jerk.

Quote #8

GASTON: It's a beast
He's got fangs
Razor-sharp ones!
Massive paws
Killer claws for the feast!

Notice how Gaston stresses the Beast's animal-like appearance here, making him a natural target for "the greatest hunter in the whole world." His mistake? The Beast is more than he appears—in this case, he's more than just another animal.

Quote #9

GASTON: What's the matter, Beast? Too kind and gentle to fight back?

This is Gaston's blackest moment of villainy. He sees past the appearance to the Beast's soul, he knows what the Beast truly is, and he views it as a weakness instead of a strength. Straight off the nearest cliff for you, Gaston!