Beauty and the Beast Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #7

LUMIERE: Could it be?

MRS. POTTS: Is it she?

Here's a sure sign that Belle's community is now the castle. They want her to come back, unlike the villagers who consider her an oddball.

Quote #8

TOWNSPEOPLE: Here we go / We're 50 strong / And 50 Frenchmen can't be wrong!

Sure, they can, and no, we're not picking on the French. Here we see just how wrong a whole community can be and how such narrow-mindedness can be very, very dangerous. BTW, the lyrics are a nod to a 1927 song, "Fifty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong," co-written by Willie Raskin that ridiculed America's uptight Prohibition-Era attitudes compared to those of the amorous and fun-loving French.

Quote #9

LUMIERE: This isn't working. 

FEATHER DUSTER: Oh, Lumiere. We must do something.

Contrast this with the way the townspeople behave most of the time. The villagers unite against anyone they think is different: Belle, Maurice, the Beast. The castle's inhabitants, on the other hand, don't throw their own to the wolves. They're in it together to the end. No surprise Belle decides to trade in the local peasants for the talking breakfast set.