Beauty and the Beast Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #7

LUMIERE: Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting.
Needing exercise
A chance to use our skills!

Lumiere's status as a servant is so ingrained in him that he has to put it into song. This guy's identity seems pretty secure. He lives to serve.

Quote #8

BELLE: There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean
And he was coarse
And unrefined!
And now he's dear
And so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before.

Belle starts to see a different nature under the Beast's formerly angry and terrifying exterior. He's been doing some reflecting and realizing he needs to put Belle's needs ahead of his. She makes him want to be a better man, um…Beast.

Quote #9

LEFOU: He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him, didn't we?

Lefou voices a very dangerous threat here, and we're not just talking about committing Maurice to the loony bin. We're talking about the ability to define yourself measured against a community's ability to decide who you are. It's the ultimate peer pressure: if we say you're a nut, then you're a nut.