Beauty Queens Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Beauty Queens? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following is not the name of a Boyz Will B Boyz song?

That Hurt Inside My Heart
Safe Tween Crush
Let Me Shave Your Legs Tonight, Girl
I Love You Like a Stalker
Q. Which Corporation product has been recalled?

Lady 'Stache Off
Ergonomically correct chairs
Miles of Smiles toothpaste
The Ladybird Hope Don't Sweat It line
Q. What is Feast for the Fisherman?

A weight-loss product for sailors
An emo band
A mermaid-themed line of beauty products
A fish-flavored candy bar
Q. Which is not a TV show in the world of the book?

Captain Bodacious IV: Badder and More Bodaciouser
My Drama So Tops Your Drama
Sweet Sixteen Gone Wrong
Do These Accessories Make Me Look Fat?
Q. Which of these is the slogan for the TV show Vampire Prom?

Some vampires are born to kill. Some, to dance.
Nobody puts Fangy in a corner.
There's more than pig's blood at this prom.
Which of the beautiful undead will win the crown?