Benito Cereno Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #1

First, the affair of the Spanish lad assailed with a knife by the slave boy; an act winked at by Don Benito. (68.181)

Captain Delano is basically compiling evidence of moments where the power structure was upended. 

Quote #2

"Master," said the servant, discontinuing his work on the coat sleeve and addressing the rapt Spaniard with sort of timid apprehensiveness […]

Babo's "apprehensiveness" could very well be real, if not his timidity. What's going happen if Cereno blows his cover?

Quote #3

[…] "now, master," and the steel glanced nigh his throat. (75.222)

Melville is all about the juxtaposition of power and weakness. Babo calling Cereno "master" is pretty rich, especially when he's wielding a blade.