Benito Cereno Theme of The Supernatural

Ghost ships, skeletons, and spooky sailors, oh my! "Benito Cereno" is chock-full of creepy moments that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The thing is, it's not always clear why they're creepy. Sometimes, we just get Captain Delano's sense that something is amiss, without any reasoning behind it. Other times, we get concrete examples straight from CreepyTown: think Alexandro Aranda's skeleton hoisted up on the figurehead.

Questions About The Supernatural

  1. Sure, Aranda's skeleton is meant to be a warning. But what kind of warning is it supposed to be, and to whom?
  2. What prompts all of Delano's spooky feelings about BenitoCereno?
  3. Here's a real stumper: how does Delano know that Aranda'sbody is still on board the ship?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Melville uses all that imagery of gray skies in order to set the stage for a spooky story.

The sign posted under Aranda's skeleton ironically suggests that he was once a leader.