The Black Prince Jealousy Quotes

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Quote #10

For the crime of publication I blame the self-styled Mr Loxias (or 'Luxius' as I believe he sometimes calls himself). As several newspapers have hinted, this is a nom de guerre of a fellow-prisoner upon whom the unfortunate BP seems to have become distressingly fixated. The name conceals the identity of a notorious rapist and murderer, a well-known musical virtuoso, whose murder, by a peculiarly horrible method, of a successful fellow-musician made the headlines some considerable time ago. Possibly the similarity of their crime drew these two unhappy men together. Artists are notoriously an envious race. (Postscript by Rachel: par. 12)

P. Loxias, as Rachel Baffin describes him, sounds a bit like Antonio Salieri, the man who in the movie Amadeus is depicted as having murdered Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But how many of these same accusations could also be applied to the classical god Apollo?