Blazing Saddles Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blazing Saddles.

Quote #4

GABBY JOHNSON: You get back here, you old pious, candy-ass sidewinder! There ain't no way that nobody is going to leave this town!

Yes, you can barely tell what the dude is saying. But somewhere in all of his gibberish, Gabby Johnson tells us that there's more to a town than a bunch of houses. It's where the townsfolk were born and it's where they should die. And Gabby isn't afraid of some band of outlaws trying to change that.

Quote #5

GABBY JOHNSON: Hell, I was born here and I was raised here, and goddamn it, I'm going to die here!

As Gabby puts it, he has no intention of leaving the community that he's spent his whole life in. This is the Old West, after all, and you'll be lucky to find a town within a hundred miles where there's no danger of dying every day.

Quote #6

OLSON JOHNSON: What are we made of? Our fathers came across the prairie... fought Indians, fought drought, fought locusts, fought Dix! Remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town?

After Gabby has finished speaking, a dude named Olson Johnson steps up and decides to make another passionate speech about how the people of Rock Ridge must never surrender to the villains who try to chase them away.